Titel: Dignity, 2021, woodcut and collage. From the launch of Art of Fundamental Rights in Byens Plantetorv. New Europe is behind this art project, where seven visual artists interpret the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. New Europe thus wants to focus on the fundamental rights we have that are under attack today. The project will travel to various destinations in Denmark and other EU countries. For the project, New Europe has also made a poster version of the works, which can be seen and available on their website www.nyteuropa.dk. The other artists are Raquel Pedro, Kristine Hellesøe, Karolin Scwarb, Abdallah al Omari, Peter Zelei and Benjamin Abana. Thank you to New Europe for an exciting collaboration. Photo by Julie Rosenkilde. @nyteuropa #artoffundamentalrights #dignity #karenlandhansen #contemporaryart